Research subjects
I pursue fundamental research in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics. I am interested in statistical physics and correlated electron problems, and more particularly in the quantum Hall effect, low-dimensional antiferromagnetic systems, topological phases, quantum entanglement and the non-equilibrium dynamics of these systems. I am also developing tools for simulating noisy quantum devices using matrix product states and matrix product operators (MPOs).
Open-source MPO-based simulator for interacting qubits in the presence of decoherence (open systems and Lindblad dynamics):
I participate in research projects EPiQ and BACQ.
Selected oral presentations:
- “Generalized hydrodynamics in box-ball systems” seminar on Youtube (May 2021)
- Course “Parallel programming (for Physicists)” Voir aussi hal-04452753 (IPhT, Juin 2019)
- Exposé sur “Shannon entropies in quantum magnets” (LDQM2016 workshop, Lausanne, Septembre 2016), pdf.
- Exposé sur “Quantum frustrated magnets” (Workshop “Entanglement in strongly correlated systems”, Benasque, Février 2016) pdf.
- Cours donné à l’IPhT sur “Quantum Entanglement in condensed matter” (8 heures, printemps 2015). hal-04446225 (>100 slides).
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches: “Entanglement and Shannon entropies in low-dimensional quantum systems” (Saclay, Juin 2014) pdf.
- Séminaire “Numerics for an XXZ spin-1/2 chain out of equilibrium” (ICFO, Barcelone, Mars 2014). pdf.
- Séminaire (colloquium) “Frustrated magnets and spin liquids” (ENSICAEN, Mars 2011). pdf.
- Cours sur les brisures spontanées de symétries en physique du solide (et magnétisme en particulier). Ecole “Matériaux et interactions en compétition”, GDR MICO, Aussois, Juin 2010. pdf.
- Recent progress in the search for quantum spin liquids ground-states. Cette présentation qui ne fut pas (!) donnée à la conférence “Perspectives in Highly Frustrated Magnetism”, MPI-PKS, Dresde, Allemagne, avril 2010. pdf).
- Topological order in quantum dimer models (Conference sur Topological Quantum Computing, Dublin 2007, pdf).
- 2D Quantum magnetism and spin liquids (cours et exercices donnés à l’école HFM 2007, à Trieste).
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking and finite finite-size spectra of quantum antiferromagnets (HFM 2006 conference, Osaka pdf)
- Unconventional phase transition in a classical 3-dimensional dimer model (11th Itzykson meeting, Saclay, June 2006, pdf)
- Derivation of order parameters through reduced density matrices (EPFL, Lausanne Jan. 2006 pdf)
- Spinons and gauge degrees of freedom in spin liquids (UNSW Sydney, August 2005, pdf)
- Quantum dimer model with a liquid ground-state: topological degeneracy and toy model for a topological quantum-bit (Oct. 2004, pdf)
- Quantum dimer models on the kagome lattice (April 2004, pdf)
- Timelapse of the IPhT logo with a 3D printer
Born on January 1973. Married, 3 children
Since 2001
Researcher at the Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT) of the CEA, Saclay. Permanent position.
Since Sept. 2020
Scientific deputy director of IPhT
2017 – 2020
Part-time professor (“professeur associé à mi-temps”, a.k.a. PAST) at the LPTM of the Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
Teaching at M2 and L2 level.
2014 – 2020
Member of the PhOM departement (of the Paris-Saclay Univeristy) council.
2016 – 2019
Ph. D. Advisor of Kemal Bidzhiev.
Habilition thesis (HDR): “Entanglement and Shannon entropies in low-dimensional quantum systems”
2011 – 2013
Advisor of Thiago Penteado-Sabetta
2008 – 2011
Co-advisor (with Vincent Pasquier) of the Ph. D. thesis of Jean-Marie Stéphan.
2007 – 2010
Co-advisor (with Claire Lhuillier) of the Ph. D. thesis of Laura Messio.
01/2009 – 08/2009
“Congé parental d’éducation” (leave)
09/2004 – 09/2005
Advisor of Fabien Alet (post-doc at that time)
1999 – 2000
Post doc at the IPhT of the CEA, Saclay. Advisor: Thierry Jolicoeur.
1996 – 1999
PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics on Quantum Antiferromagnets. Advisor: Prof. Claire Lhuillier, at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique des liquides (now LPTMC). Teaching Assistant in Physics with first year students in medecine (C.H.U. Broussais, Paris)
1995 – 1996
Master 2 in Physique Théorique, École Doctorale de la Région Parisienne (Paris)
1992 – 1995
Engeneer degree from the École Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France).Option: Theoritical Physics.
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Bibliometry with Researcher ID K-1781-2015