Mariana GRAÑA                           

 • Conferences
 • Publications
 • Talks
 • Teaching


Institut de Physique Théorique                  
Orme des Merisiers
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France


 Bureau: Bat 774 - Pièce 119   


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String theory

My research is principally on the landscape in string theory, in particular involving flux compactifications (see my review article).

String theory at IPhT

String theory in greater Paris region

Conferences organized

Planck 2022Paris, May 2022 (co-organized with 8 other organisers, 200 participants) 

Eurostrings 2022Lyon, April 2022 (co-organized with 8 other organisers, 250 participants) 

Geometry and swamplandBanff (virtual), January 2022 (co-organized with M.Petrini and I. Valenzuela, 250 participants) 

New developments in Quantum gravity and String TheoryCorfu, September 2021 (co-organized with A. Chatzistavrakidis, D. Giataganas, A. Kehagias, D. Lüst, R. Szabo, 110 participants) 

 de Sitter constructions in String Theory, lPhT, December 2019 (co-organized with I. Bena and A. Retolaza, 50 participants)  

Colloque de l’IPhT, l’Isle sur la Sorgue, October 2018 (co-organized with J.Y. Ollitrault, M. Schiro and S. Zaffanella, 100 participants) 

1st Workshop on high energy theory and gender, CERN, September 2018 (co-organized with 9 more researchers, 90 participants) 

String dualities and geometry, Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina, January 2018 (co-organized with G. Aldazabal, D. Marqués and C. Nuñez, 60 participants) 

New flows and old black holes : adventures in quantum gravity and holography – A conference in celebration of Nick Warner’s 60th birthday, CEA/Saclay, June 2017 (co-organised with I. Bena, N. Bobev, M. Guica, N. Halmagyi, W. Lerche and D. Turton, 60 participants)

Second workshop on string theory and gender, IHP, Paris, June 2016 (co-organized with R. Minasian and M. Petrini, 50 participants)

de Sitter and microstate landscapes in String Theory, CEA/Saclay, June 2015 (co-organized with I. Bena, R. Minasian and S. Kuperstein, 70 participants)

18th Itzykson meeting “Frontiers of String Theory”, CEA/Saclay, July 2013  

Forum de la théorie, CEA/Saclay, April 2013 

The supersymmetric, the extremal and the ugly - solutions in string theory, Saclay, 15-17 November 2011 

Hierarchies and symmetries, Jussieu, Paris, 19-20 September 2011

String Phenomenology 2010, College de France, Paris, 5-9 July 2010 

14th Itzykson meeting, "Recent Advances in String Theory", IPhT, 17-19 June 2009



Here is my CV



Spires database


Some conference talks


Science popularisation talks


Some string theory-related teaching:


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