
t22/063 Théorie Statistique des Champs Tome 2,
David F.

t20/021 Théorie statistique des champs,
David F.

t20/016 Molecular Kinetics in Condensed Phases: Theory, Simulation, and Analysis,
Elber R., Makarov D. E., Orland H.

t19/209 Les effets économiques et urbains du Grand Paris Express,
Barthélémy M., and al.

t19/158 Relativity: A Journey Through Warped Space and Time,
mayerson, d. r., Charles A. M., Golec J. E.

t18/223 Rapport d'activité 2013-2018,
David F., Gelis F.

t18/076 Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks,
Barthélémy M.
Springer Verlag

t18/075 From global scaling to the dynamics of individual cities,
Despersin J., Barthélémy M.
PNAS 115-10 2317-2322 (2018)

t17/263 String Theory compacifications,
Graña M., Triendl H.

t16/258 Counting surfaces,
Eynard B.

t16/256 String-Math 2016,
Kashani-Poor A., Minasian R., Nekrasov N., Pioline B.

t16/255 Statistical Physics, Optimization, Inference, and Message-Passing Algorithms: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches School of Physics-Special Issue, October,
Krzakala F., Zdeborova L., Tramel Eric W.

t16/240 The Structure and Dynamics of Cities: Urban Data Analysis and Theoretical Modeling,
Barthélémy M.

t15/159 Les imaginaires en géométrie,
Vanhove P.

t14/216 La théorie de la mesure,
Balian R.
Editions Matériologiques

t14/046 The formalisms of quantum mechanics: an introduction,
David F.

t13/293 La physique des infinis,
Bernardeau F., Klein E., Laplace S., Spiro M.

t13/290 Chaos (Poincaré Seminar 2010),
Duplantier B., Nonnenmacher S., Rivasseau V.
Prog. Math. Phys. 66 1-270 (2013)
Birkhäuser (0000)

t12/282 Out-of-equilibrium generalized fluctuation-dissipation relations,
Gradenigo G., Puglisi A., Sarracino A., Villamaina D., Vulpiani A.

t11/245 Gluons and the quark sea at high energies: Distributions, polarization, tomography,
Gelis F., et al.+

t11/204 High energy physics. Proceedings, 35th International Conference, ICHEP 2010, Paris, France, July 22-28, 2010,
Proceedings of Physics

t11/198 Rapport d'activité juin 2007 - mai 2011,

t11/109 Two-dimensional quantum gravity,
Kostov I.K.

t11/106 Dynamical Heterogeneities in Glasses, Colloids, and Granular Media,
Oxford University Press, USA

t11/088 Random matrix theory and RNA folding,
Vernizzi G., Orland H.
Oxford University Press

t11/018 Introduction to Quantum Spin Liquids,
Lhuillier C., Misguich G.

t10/303 Dark matter at the electroweak scale: non-supersymmetric candidates,
Servant G.
Cambridge University Press

t10/285 Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics,
Zinn-Justin J.
Oxford University Press, USA

t10/268 Overview of different characterisations of dynamic heterogeneity,
Berthier L., Biroli G., Bouchaud J.-P., Jack R.L.
Oxford University Press

t10/258 Matrix integrals and enumeration of maps,
Bouttier J.
Oxford University Press

t10/190 Préface du livre "Question sur... le nucléaire",
Balian R.

t10/186 Spectrum and Dynamics,

t10/126 Anatomy of quantum chaotic eigenstates,
Nonnenmacher S.

t10/070 Naissance de la Mécanique Quantique,
Balian R.

t10/058 Extra Dimensions at the LHC,
Kong K., Matchev K., Servant G.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press

t10/041 Mon itinéraire quantique,
Balian R.

t09/290 A Rigorous Perspective on Liouville Quantum Gravity and the KPZ Relation,
Duplantier B.
Oxford University Press

t09/246 Fluctuation relations for molecular motors,
Lacoste D., Mallick K.

t09/239 The Random First-Order Transition Theory of Glasses: a critical assessment,
Biroli G., Bouchaud J.-P.

t09/189 The Multifaceted Skyrmion,
World Scientific

t09/085 Zeta functions over zeros of zeta functions,
Voros A.

t09/067 Half-Skyrmion Hadronic Matter at High Density,
Lee H.K., Rho M.
World Scientific

t09/029 La physique quantique en conflit avec notre intuition,
Balian R.

t09/014 Le calcul centralisé à la DSM: rapport d'activité 2008,
Golinelli O.

t08/303 Dynamical processes on complex networks,
Barrat A., Barthélémy M.

t08/101 Chiral nuclear dynamics II: From quarks to nuclei to compact stars,
Rho M.
World Scientific, 2008

t08/093 String Theory and the Real World: From Particle Physics to Astrophysics,

t08/091 La mesure en mécanique quantique : une révolution conceptuelle,
Balian R.

t08/038 String Theory and the Real World: From particle physics to astrophysics,

t08/031 Glasses and Aging: a statistical mechanics perspective,
Berthier L., Biroli G.

t08/021 Cosmologie, des fondements théoriques aux observations,
Bernardeau F.
EDP Sciences

t07/229 Phase Transitions and Renormalisation Group,
Zinn-Justin J.
Oxford University Press, USA

t07/203 Panorama de la physique,
Ollitrault J.-Y.

t07/199 From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (Vol. 2),
Balian R.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007

t07/198 From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics (Vol. 1),
Balian R.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007

t07/161 Quantum Spin Liquids and fractionalization,
Misguich G.

t07/137 Rapport d'activité du SPhT juin 2005 - mai 2007,
Ollitrault J.-Y., Capdepon A.

t07/058 Actes de l'Ecole de Cargčse,
Vanhove P.
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 171 1-346 (2007)

t07/034 Conformal field theory applied to loop models,
Jacobsen J.L.
Lect. Notes Phys. 775 347-424 (2009)
Springer (0000)

t07/030 Some aspects of infinite range models of spin glasses: theory and numerical simulations,
Billoire A.
Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg

t06/169 Random Fields and Spin Glasses. A field Theory Approach,
De Dominicis C., Giardina I.
Cambridge University Press

t06/129 Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry II. On Conformal Field Theories, Discrete Groups and Renormalization,
Cartier P., Julia B., Moussa P., Vanhove P.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007

t06/074 Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations,
Berg B.A., Billoire A.
John Wiley ans Sons, New York, 2006

t05/270 Rapport d'activité du SPhT juin 2002 - mai 2005,
Ollitrault J.-Y.

t05/206 The Integrable $sl(2/1)$ Superspin Chain and the Spin Quantum Hall Effect,
Frahm H., Essler F.H.L., Saleur H.
Adv. Solid State Phys. 45 185-196 (2005)
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2005)

t05/172 Dispersion relations / Scattering in relativistic quantum field theory: the analytic program,
Bros J.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006

t05/106 Préface,
Bros J.
EDP Sciences, Les Ulis/CNRS Editions, Paris, 2005

t05/066 Conclusion,
Balian R., Huffer E., Nifenecker H.
EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 2005

t05/065 Les multiples visages de l'énergie,
Balian R.
EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 2005

t04/026 Instantons in non-critical strings from the two-matrix model,
Kazakov V.A., Kostov I.K.
World Scientific, Singapore

t04/025 Demain, la physique,
Aspect A., Balian R., Balibar S., Brézin E., Cabane B., Fauve S., Kaplan D., Léna P., Poirier J.-P., Prost J.
Odile Jacob, Paris, 2004

t03/239 The Color Glass Condensate and High Energy Scattering in QCD,
Iancu E., Venugopalan R.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2004

t03/191 Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry I. On Random Matrices, Zeta Functions, and Dynamical Systems,
Cartier P., Julia B., Moussa P., Vanhove P.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006

t03/181 Two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets,
Misguich G., Lhuillier C.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2005

t03/026 Thermodynamics of the High-Temperature Quark-Gluon Plasma,
Blaizot J.-P., Iancu E., Rebhan A.
World Scientific, Singapore

t02/112 Intégrale de chemin en mécanique quantique : Introduction,
Zinn-Justin J.
EDP Sciences, 2003

t02/065 Vivre savant sous le communisme,
Ripka G.
Editions Belin, 2002

t02/002 Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena,
Zinn-Justin J.

t00/247 Rapport d'activité du SPhT juin 1998 - mai 2000,
Billoire A.

t00/178 Nonasymptotic critical behavior from field theory,
Bagnuls C., Bervillier C.
World Scientific, Singapore, 2000

t00/096 Pour une revalorisation de la science,
Balian R.
USTL Culture, Universit\'e de Lille

t00/077 Dynamical Linked Cluster Expansion for Spin Glasses,
Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T.
Transworld Research Network, India

t00/056 Nucleon-nucleus scattering: a microscopic nonrelativistic approach,
Amos K.A., Dortmans P.J., von Geramb H.V., Karataglidis S., Raynal J.
Adv. Nucl. Phys. 25 275-540 (2000)
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers (2000)

t99/151 Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena,
Zinn-Justin J.
Oxford University Press, 1999

t98/150 Quantum Theory of Finite Systems,
Blaizot J.-P., Ripka G.
Editions Phenix, Kiev, 1998

t97/041 Beyond the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model,
De Dominicis C., Kondor I., Temesvari T.
Directions in Condensed Matter Physics 12 119-160 (1998)
World Scientific, Singapore (1998)

t97/033 Quarks Bound by Chiral Fields. The Quark Structure of the Vacuum and of Light Mesons and Baryons,
Ripka G.
Oxford Stud. Nucl. Phys. (1997)
Oxford Science Publications (1997)

t97/003 Protein folding and heteropolymers,
Garel T., Orland H., Pitard E.
Directions in Condensed Matter Physics 12 387-443 (1998)
World Scientific, Singapore (1998)

t96/149 Chiral Nuclear Dynamics,
Nowak M.A., Rho M., Zahed I.
World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1996

t96/141 Monte carlo study of polymer systems by multiple Markov chain method,
Orlandini E.
IMA Vol. Math. Appl. (1997)
Springer-Verlag (1997)

t96/117 Conformal Field Theory,
Di Francesco P., Mathieu P., Sénéchal D.
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, New York, 1997

t96/090 Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (3rd edition),
Zinn-Justin J.
Clarendon, Oxford University Press

t96/037 Renormalization group analysis,
Iagolnitzer D., Magnen J.
Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1996

t96/024 Modčles exactement résolus,
Gaudin M.
Les Editions de Physique, 1996

t95/167 Préface,
Balian R., Cohen-Tannoudji C.
Dunod, Paris, 1995

t95/104 Présentation de l'ouvrage : Philosophie de la Science Contemporaine Roland Omnčs, Folio/essais No. 256,
Balian R.
Gallimard, 1995

t95/099 The asymmetric exclusion model approach: exact results through a matrix approach,
Derrida B., Evans M.R.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997

t95/088 La physique (Dictionnaire de lastrophysique),
Schaeffer R.
Flammarion, 1996

t95/087 Collective Phenomena in the Quark-Gluon Plasma,
Blaizot J.-P., Ollitrault J.-Y., Iancu E.
World Scientific

t94/038 Analytical theories of protein folding,
Garel T., Orland H., Thirumalai D.
Advanced Studies in Physical Chemistry (1997)
World Scientific, Singapore, 1996 (1997)

t94/022 Meaning of the Almeida Thouless line: the case of non-disordered magnetic systems,
De Dominicis C.
Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, 1994

t94/001 Counting rational curves on rational surfaces,
Itzykson C.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 8 3703-3724 (1994)
World Scientific, 1994 (1994)

t93/142 Magnetic monopoles as end points of moving magnets,
Balian R.
Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, 1994

t93/029 Scattering in Quantum Field Theories: The Axiomatic and Constructive Approaches,
Iagolnitzer D.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1993

t92/170 Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (2nd edition),
Zinn-Justin J.
Clarendon, Oxford Science Publications, 1993

t92/106 Quantum nodal points as fingerprints of classical chaos,
Leboeuf P., Voros A.
Cambridge University Press

t92/058 From Number Theory to Physics,
Springer-Verlag (second corrected printing), 690 pages

t92/037 Low temperature properties of directed walks with random self interactions,
Derrida B., Higgs P.G.
Nova Science Publishers, 1992

t91/226 Random Matrices (2nd edition, revised and enlarged),
Mehta M.L.
Academic Press, New York, San Diego, 1991

t91/225 From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics,
Balian R.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992

t91/206 Systèmes désordonnés unidimensionnels,
Luck J.M.
Collection Al'ea Saclay, 209 pages

t91/194 Exact and approximate reconstruction of multifractal coding measures,
Mantica G., Bessis D.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991

t91/191 Some geometrical properties of hard discs packings,
Gervois A., Bideau D.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993

t91/055 Une nouvelle interprétation de la formule des traces de Selberg,
Cartier P., Voros A.
Birkhäuser, Boston

t90/209 From Microphysics to Macrophysics: Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics,
Balian R.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991

t90/204 Polymers in Solution, their Modelling and Structure,
des Cloizeaux J., Jannink G.
Clarendon Press, Oxford Science Publications, Oxford, 1990

t90/203 Direct space quantum optics: light propagation in a non-linear medium,
Abram I., Cohen E.
Plenum Press, 1991

t90/165 Hierarchies of (1+1)-dimensional multispeed discreete Boltzmann model equations,
Cornille H.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991

t90/134 Simulation of random growth processes,
Herrmann H.J.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992

t90/117 The impact of QCD on high-energy reactions with hadrons and nuclei,
Chemtob M.
World Scientific, Singapore, 1991

t90/029 Complex angular momentum analysis in axiomatic quantum field theory,
Bros J., Viano G.A.
Springer Tracts Modern Phys. 119 53-76 (1990)
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1990)

t90/020 $J/\psi$ suppression, signal of a quark-gluon plasma?,
Blaizot J.-P., Ollitrault J.-Y.
World Scientific

t90/019 Hydrodynamics of quark-gluon plasmas,
Blaizot J.-P., Ollitrault J.-Y.
World Scientific

t89/221 Modelization of fracture in disordered systems,
Herrmann H.J., Roux S.
North-Holland, 1990

t89/220 Introduction to basic notions and facts,
Herrmann H.J.
North-Holland, 1990

t89/219 Randomness in breaking thresholds,
de Arcangelis L.
North-Holland, 1990

t89/212 Number Theory and Physics (Springer Proceedings in Physics, volume 47),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 311 pages

t89/197 Fractures,
Herrmann H.J.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991

t89/180 Quantum (statistical) mechanics, measurement and information,
Balian R.
Hilger-IOP Publishers, Bristol, 1990

t89/045 Champs de jauge,
Itzykson C.
PUF, 1989

t89/027 A conjecture on the possible (1+1)-dimensional solutions to the discrete Boltzmann models I,
Cornille H.
Springer Tracts Modern Phys. 1192 168-187 (1989)
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1989)

t88/246 Jordan algebras and flat potentials at one loop,
Savoy C.A.
World Scientific, Singapore, 1988

t88/240 Matrix Theory. Selected Topics and Useful Results,
Mehta M.L.
Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, 1989

t88/137 L'anti-matičre,
Schaeffer R.
Le Mail, 1986

t88/136 La nucléosynthčse primordiale,
Schaeffer R.
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t88/135 Statistical Field Theory,
Drouffe J.-M., Itzykson C.
Cambridge University Press, 1988

t88/093 La supernova de l'čre moderne,
Schaeffer R., Cassé M.
P.U.F., 1988

t87/220 La convection,
Velarde M.G., Normand C.

t87/197 Unbinding of membranes,
Lipowsky R., Leibler S.

t87/196 Curvature and fluctuations of amphiphilic membranes,
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t87/185 Les polymčres en solution : leur modélisation et leur structure,
des Cloizeaux J., Jannink G.
Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, 1987

t87/183 Quantum Many-Particle Systems,
Negele J.W., Orland H.
Frontiers Phys. (1988)
Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, 1987, 1998 (1988)

t87/154 On the notions of scattering state, potential and wave-function in quantum field theory: an analytic-functional viewpoint,
Bros J.
Academic Press, 1988

t87/121 Microlocal analysis and scattering in quantum field theories,
Iagolnitzer D.
Academic Press, New York, 1988

t85/188 La matičre reconstruite et ses changements de phase,
Brézin E.
Encyclopedia Universalis, 1986

t84/193 Order Within Chaos: Towards a Deterministic Approach to Turbulence,
Bergé P., Pomeau Y., Vidal C.
Wiley, New York, 1984

t84/188 Planar Diagrams, Two-Dimensional Lattice Gravity and Surface Models [reprinted in: The Large N Expansion in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics -From Spin Systems to 2-Dimensional Gravity, Brézin E., Wadia S.R. eds,
David F.
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t84/172 L'ordre dans le chaos : vers une approche déterministe de la turbulence,
Bergé P., Pomeau Y., Vidal C.
Herrmann, 1984

t84/029 Quantum Theory of Finite Systems,
Blaizot J.-P., Ripka G.
MIT Press, Cambridge

t83/190 Symmetry breaking in supersymmetric GUTS,
Buccella F., Derendinger J.-P., Savoy C.A., Ferrara S.
Plenum Press, New York, 1983

t82/110 Du Microscopique au Macroscopique,
Balian R.
Ellipses, 1983

t82/108 La fonction d'onde de Bethe,
Gaudin M.
Masson, Collection CEA, S\'erie Scientifique, 1983

t81/072 Théorie des champs,
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t81/040 The intermittent transition to turbulence,
Pomeau Y.
Pitman, Boston, 1981

t80/079 The partition function as a Laplace transform of a positive measure in the strength parameter,
Bessis D.
Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1980

t80/051 La convection,
Velarde M.G., Normand C.
Pour la Science 35 54-71 (1980)

t79/111 A Lie Group: Rotations in Quantum Mechanics,
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t78/086 The S Matrix,
Iagolnitzer D.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978

t78/014 Meson theory of nuclear vector and axial vector exchange currents,
Chemtob M.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979

t77/086 Elements of Matrix Theory,
Mehta M.L.
Hindustan Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 1977

t76/066 New model independent results on the diffraction peak,
Cornille H., Martin A.
Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1976

t76/037 Field theoretical approach to critical phenomena,
Brézin E., Le Guillou J.C., Zinn-Justin J.
Academic Press, New York, 1976

t76/017 Quantum Field Theory,
Itzykson C., Zuber J.-B.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980; Dover Publications, Mineola, 2005

t73/070 Analyticity Properties of Scattering Amplitudes in Relativistic Quantum Theory. Introduction to S-Matrix Theory,
Iagolnitzer D.

t69/088 Isobaric analogue resonances and nuclear spectroscopy,
Temmer G.M.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1969

t69/070 Excitation of Simple Particle-Hole Configurations in the Residual Nucleus,
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t67/059 Introduction à l'étude topologique des singularités de Landau,
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t67/055 Random Matrices and the Statistical Theory of Energy Levels,
Mehta M.L.
Academic Press, New York, 1967

t67/001 Angular analysis of elementary particle reactions,
Moussa P., Stora R.
Gordon and Breach, 1968

t64/011 Renormalization in equilibrium statistical mechanics,
De Dominicis C.
Academic Press, New York, 1964

t64/005 Superconductivity with p- and d-wave pairing,
Balian R.
Academic Press, New York, 1964

t63/025 Mandelstam Theory and Regge Poles: An Introduction for Experimentalists,
Omnès R., Froissart M.
W.A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, Amsterdam, 1963


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