-27th Itzykson Conference (May 31- June 02, 2023 : Fluctuations far from equilibrium ( Organizers : Kirone MALLICK (IPhT) & Tomohiro SASAMOTO (TokyoTech) (https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/29430/)
-24th Itzykson Conference (June 05-07, 2019): Effective Field Theory in Cosmology, Gravity and Particle Physics
(Organizing commitee: Brando Bellazzini, John Joseph Carrasco and Filippo Vernizzi)
-23th Itzykson Conference (June 04-06, 2018). Statistical Physics of Disordered and Complex Systems: A Tribute to Cirano De Dominicis
-22ème conférence Itzykson, Manipulation of Simple Quantum Systems (Organizers: Stéphane Attal, Michel Bauer, Daniel Estève), June 6-8 2017 at IPhT, amphithéâtre Claude Bloch. (https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/14274/)
-Hard Probes 2018, Aix les Bains, October 2018 (J.-P. Blaizot)
-Journée scientifique sur le thème "Phénomènes hors d'équilibre" IPhT, le mardi 2 octobre 2018 (Orgs. Jean-Yves Ollitrault, Jean-Marc Luck.)
-Boost 2018, Paris, 16-20 July 2018 (G. Soyez)
-Topological phases of matter: from the quantum Hall effect to spin liquids, IPhT, 11
June - 6 July 2018 (G. Misguich)
-Euclid Theory Meeting 2018, IHP, 16-18 April 2018 (P. Brax and F. Vernizzi)
-GGI Lectures on the Theory of Fundamental Interactions, GGI, Florence, 8-26 February
2018 (B. Bellazzini)
-Rencontres de Physique Statistique, ESPCI, Paris, January 2018 (J.-M. Luck)
-String dualities and geometry, Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina, January 2018 (M.
-Quantum Gravity, Strings and Fields, Cargèse, 18 - 22 June 2018 (P. Vanhove)
Pour connaître les conférences antérieures à 2018, nous vous invitons à consulter la page des archives des conférences.