Publication : t04/164

$al N=4$ Supersymmetric Gauge Theory, Twistor Space, and Dualities

Kosower D.A. (CEA, DSM, SPhT (Service de Physique Théorique), F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE)
Course Overview: - Present advanced techniques for calculating amplitudes in gauge theories - Motivation for hard calculations - Review gauge theories and supersymmetry - Color decomposition; spinor-helicity basis; recurrence relations; supersymmetry Ward identities; factorization properties of gauge-theory amplitudes - Twistor space; Cachazo-Svrcek-Witten rules for amplitudes - Unitarity-based method for loop calculations; loop integral reductions - Computation of anomalous dimensions
Année de publication : 2004
Chapitre de livre : Saclay Lectures
Cours : Saclay Lectures ; SPhT, CEA/Saclay, France ; 2004-11-19 / 2004-12-10
Lien : http:AfficheCoursKosower.pdf
Langue : Anglais
Editeurs : Guida R., Misguich G.

Fichier(s) à télécharger :
  • LectureIII.ppt
  • LectureII.pdf
  • LectureI.pdf
  • LectureIII.pdf
  • LectureIV.pdf
  • LectureII.ppt
  • LectureI.ppt


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