ECT*, Trento, June 17-21: Logistics

h3QCD (high energy, high density and hot QCD)

ECT*, Trento, Italy

The European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) in Trento (Italy) provides a dedicated and structured combination of scientific activities for a large international scientific community. The Centre acts as an "intellectual" centre of competence, complementary in scope and activities to existing research facilities based at universities or experimental laboratories. It promotes coordination of European research efforts in nuclear physics in a broad sense. The activities are workshops, collaboration meetings, a doctoral training programme and specialised courses. ECT* also offers visiting fellowships for junior and senior researchers.

More details can be found on the ECT* website

Financial support

The ECT* can cover up to 70% of the local expenses of participants to workshops organized at the ECT*. Additionally, the ECT* requests that approximately 25% of the participants be self-supported by their home institutions. Travel expenses are not supported. The ECT* capacity imposes us to limit the number of participants. In any case, we will proceed to a selection of the applicants based on the adequation between their current research work and the themes of the workshop.