Postdoctoral opening in "Theoretical Particle Physics Working on QCD Parton Shower Generators"

Title: Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Particle Physics Working on QCD Parton Shower Generators at the IPhT (CEA Saclay)

The Institut de Physique Theorique (IPhT) of the CEA/Saclay invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in Theoretical Particle Physics working on QCD parton shower generators, funded by the PanScales ERC project.

The position is available initially for a fixed-term duration of 2 years, with the possibility of extension for 1 further year.

The PanScales project will deepen our understanding and improve the core, parton shower, component of general-purpose Monte Carlo event generators, which are used throughout collider particle physics, see for details.

The successful candidate will work on the connection between analytic resummation and parton showers with a view to the development of new, higher precision parton showers. Duties include managing own academic research and administrative activities, adapt existing and develop new research methodologies, present papers and represent the research group at external meetings and seminars.

Applicants should hold a PhD, or be close to completion in physics or a related field and ideally a strong background in perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at particle colliders. Candidates are expected to demonstrate a capacity for independent research work and should have a publication record commensurate with career stage.

The selected candidate will work with Grégory Soyez at the IPhT (CEA/Saclay). There will also be opportunities for regular meetings and collaboration across the institutions of the PanScales ERC project. Its other senior members are Gavin Salam (Oxford, PI), Mrinal Dasgupta (Manchester) and Keith Hamilton (UCL). Additionally the IPhT itself has a strong QCD group.

Applications are to be submitted via the CNRS career portal:
for which an account first needs to be created (click on "Apply" then request a "candidate account"; if the login screen is in French, click on the UK/English flag in the top-right corner).

The application consists of a CV (including a list of publications) and a cover letter (including a brief statement of research interests). Candidates should also ensure that at least three referees submit a reference letter to by the closing date. Documents submitted should be in PDF format and use the naming convention:

Only applications received before Tuesday the 3rd of December 2019 will be considered.  Please direct enquiries about the position to Gregory Soyez ( ).

#878 - Màj : 17/10/2019


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