97 publications trouvées

0 dans la catégorie Preprints

88 dans la catégorie Articles

t24/011 Enumeration of maps with tight boundaries and the Zhukovsky transformation,
Bouttier J., Guitter E., Miermont G.

t23/118 Counting mobiles by integrable systems,
Bergère M., Eynard B., Guitter E., Oukassi S.

t23/024 Hamiltonian cycles on bicolored random planar maps,
Duplantier B., Golinelli O., Guitter E.

t22/074 Exponents for Hamiltonian paths on random bicubic maps and KPZ,
Di Francesco P., Duplantier B., Golinelli O., Guitter E.

t22/009 On quasi-polynomials counting planar tight maps,
Bouttier J., Guitter E., Miermont G.

t21/024 Bijective enumeration of planar bipartite maps with three tight boundaries, or how to slice pairs of pants,
Bouttier J., Guitter E., Miermont G.
AHL 5 1035-1110 (2022)

t20/009 Maps of unfixed genus and blossoming trees,
Fusy É., Guitter E.

t19/141 Arctic curves of the twenty-vertex model with domain wall boundaries,
Debin B., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Stat. Phys. 179 33-89 (2020)

t19/055 Twenty-Vertex model with domain wall boundaries and domino tilings,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Electr. J. Combin. 27-2 (2020)

t19/015 The Arctic curve for Aztec rectangles with defects via the Tangent Method,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.

t18/115 A tangent method derivation of the arctic curve for q-weighted paths with arbitrary starting points,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.

t18/023 Arctic curves for paths with arbitrary starting points: a tangent method approach,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 51 355201 (2018)

t17/173 Statistics of the Voronoi cell perimeter in large bi-pointed maps,
Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. 073409 (2018)

t17/100 A universal law for Voronoi cell volumes in infinitely large maps,
Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. 013205 (2018)

t17/031 On a conjecture by Chapuy about Voronoi cells in large maps,
Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. 103401 (2017)

t16/149 Refined universal laws for hull volumes and perimeters in large planar maps,
Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 50 275203 (2017)

t16/062 Eulerian triangulations: two-point function and hull perimeter statistics,
Guitter E.

t16/015 Some results on the statistics of hull perimeters in large planar triangulations and quadrangulations,
Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 49 445203 (2016)

t15/211 The distance-dependent two-point function of quadrangulations: a new derivation by direct recursion,
Guitter E.
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact 4 213-244 (2017)

t15/187 The distance-dependent two-point function of triangulations: a new derivation from old results,
Guitter E.
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact 4 177-211 (2017)

t15/133 Comparing two statistical ensembles of quadrangulations: a continued fraction approach,
Fusy É., Guitter E.
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact 4 125-176 (2017)

t14/192 The two-point function of bicolored planar maps,
Fusy É., Guitter E.
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact 2 335-412 (2015)

t14/029 The three-point function of general planar maps,
Fusy É., Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. 2014 09012 (2014)

t13/275 On the two-point function of general planar maps and hypermaps,
Bouttier J., Fusy É., Guitter E.
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Comb. Phys. Interact 1 265-306 (2014)

t13/076 A note on irreducible maps with several boundaries,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
Electr. J. Combin. 21 #P1.23 (2014)

t13/039 On irreducible maps and slices,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
Combinatorics, probabilities and computing 23 914-972 (2014)

t12/055 Loop models on random maps via nested loops: case of domain symmetry breaking and application to the Potts model,
Borot G., Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 45 494017 (2012)

t12/013 More on the O(n) model on random maps via nested loops: loops with bending energy,
Borot G., Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 45 275206 (2012)

t11/148 A recursive approach to the O(n) model on random maps via nested loops,
Borot G., Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 45 045002 (2012)

t10/135 Planar maps and continued fractions,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
Commun. Math. Phys. 309 623-662 (2012)

t10/024 Distance statistics in large toroidal maps,
Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. 2010 P04018 (2010)

t10/020 Distance statistics in quadrangulations with no multiple edges and the geometry of minbus,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 43 205207 (2010)

t09/138 Distance statistics in quadrangulations with a boundary, or with a self-avoiding loop,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 42 465208 (2009)

t08/182 Confluence of geodesic paths and separating loops in large planar quadrangulations,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. P03001 (2009)

t08/078 The three-point function of planar quadrangulations,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. P07020 (2008)

t07/163 Statistics of geodesics in large quadrangulations,
Bouttier J., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 41 145001 (2008)

t07/070 Vacancy localization in the square dimer model,
Bouttier J., Bowick M.J., Guitter E., Jeng M.
Phys. Rev. E 76 041140 (2007)

t07/054 Blocked edges on Eulerian maps and mobiles: Application to spanning trees, hard particles and the Ising model,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 40 7411-7440 (2007)

t06/186 Mass distribution exponents for growing trees,
David F., Di Francesco P., Guitter E., Jonsson T.
J. Stat. Mech. P02011 (2007)

t06/021 Multicritical continuous random trees,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. P04004 (2006)

t05/113 Integrability of graph combinatorics via random walks and heaps of dimers,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Stat. Mech. P09001 (2005)

t05/069 Geometrically constrained statistical systems on regular and random lattices: From folding to meanders,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Phys. Rep. 415 1-88 (2005)

t05/013 Combinatorics of bicubic maps with hard particles,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 38 4529-4559 (2005)

t04/060 Planar maps as labeled mobiles,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Electr. J. Combin. 11 R69 (2004)

t03/104 Statistics of planar graphs viewed from a vertex: A study via labeled trees,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 675 631-660 (2003)

t03/086 Random trees between two walls: exact partition function,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 36 12349-12366 (2003)

t03/029 Geodesic distance in planar graphs,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 663 535-567 (2003)

t02/160 Combinatorics of hard particles on planar graphs,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 655 313-341 (2003)

t02/093 Census of planar maps: from the one-matrix model solution to a combinatorial proof,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B [PM] 645 477-499 (2002)

t02/075 Counting Colored Random Triangulations,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B 641 519-532 (2002)

t02/007 Critical and tricritical hard objects on bicolourable random lattices: exact solutions,
Bouttier J., Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 35 3821-3854 (2002)

t01/042 Critical and multicritical semi-random $(1+d)$-dimensional lattices and hard objects in $d$ dimensions,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 35 897-927 (2002)

t00/145 Generalized Lorentzian triangulations and the Calogero Hamiltonian,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E., Kristjansen C.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 608 485-526 (2001)

t00/027 Exact Meander Asymptotics: a Numerical Check,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E., Jacobsen J.L.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 580 757-795 (2000)

t99/126 Meanders: exact asymptotics,
Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B 570 699-712 (2000)

t99/073 Integrable 2D Lorentzian Gravity and Random Walks,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E., Kristjansen C.
Nucl. Phys. B 567 515-553 (2000)

t99/010 Fully Packed $O(n=1)$ Model on Random Eulerian Triangulations,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E., Kristjansen C.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] (1999)

t98/119 Hamiltonian Cycles on Random Eulerian Triangulations,
Guitter E., Kristjansen C., Nielsen J.L.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 546 731-750 (1999)

t98/087 Monte Carlo results for projected self-avoiding polygons: a two-dimensional model for knotted polymers,
Guitter E., Orlandini E.
J. Phys. A 32 1359-1385 (1999)

t98/078 Statistical and dynamical properties of the discrete Sinai model at finite times,
Chave J., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 32 445-468 (1999)

t98/007 Hamiltonian Cycles on a Random Three-coordinate Lattice,
Eynard B., Guitter E., Kristjansen C.
Nucl. Phys. B (1998)

t97/151 Folding of the Triangular Lattice in the Face Centered Cubic lattice with quenched random spontaneous curvature,
Mori S., Guitter E.
J. Phys. A 30 829-838 (1997)

t97/133 Coloring Random Triangulations,
Di Francesco P., Eynard B., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 516 543-587 (1998)

t97/036 Effects of self-avoidance on the tubular phase of anisotropic membranes,
Bowick M.J., Guitter E.
Phys. Rev. E 56 7023-7032 (1997)

t97/001 Renormalization Theory for the Self-Avoiding Polymerized Membranes,
David F., Duplantier B., Guitter E.

t96/124 Geometrical folding transitions of the triangular lattice in the face-centred cubic lattice,
Bowick M.J., Golinelli O., Guitter E., Mori S.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 495 583-607 (1997)

t96/110 The Poisson ratio of crystalline surfaces,
Falcioni M., Bowick M.J., Guitter E., Thorleifsson G.
Europhys. Lett. 38 67-72 (1997)

t96/083 Folding of the triangular lattice with quenched random bending rigidity,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E., Mori S.
Phys. Rev. E 55 237-251 (1997)

t96/062 Meanders: a direct enumeration approach,
Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 482 497-535 (1996)

t96/008 Meanders and the Temperley-Lieb algebra,
Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
Commun. Math. Phys. 186 1-59 (1997)

t95/059 Meander, folding and arch statistics,
Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
Math. Comput. Model. 26 97-147 (1997)

t95/019 Three-dimensional folding of the triangular lattice,
Bowick M.J., Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B [FS] 450 463-494 (1995)

t94/073 Folding transition of the triangular lattice,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Phys. Rev. E 50 4418-4426 (1994)

t94/018 Entropy of folding of the triangular lattice,
Di Francesco P., Guitter E.
Europhys. Lett. 26 455-460 (1994)

t93/074 Renormalization and Hyperscaling for Self-Avoiding Manifold Models,
David F., Duplantier B., Guitter E.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 311-315 (1994)

t92/156 Renormalization of crumpled manifolds,
David F., Duplantier B., Guitter E.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 2205-2208 (1993)

t92/124 Renormalization theory for interacting crumpled manifolds,
David F., Duplantier B., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B 394 555-664 (1993)

t91/102 Tethered membranes with long-range interactions,
Guitter E., Palmeri J.
Phys. Rev. A 45 734-744 (1992)

t91/021 On supercoiling instability in closed DNA,
Guitter E., Leibler S.
Europhys. Lett. 17 643-648 (1992)

t90/154 Anharmonic theory of a stack of tethered membranes,
Guitter E.
J. Physique 51 2407-2420 (1990)

t90/123 Tethering, crumpling, and melting transition in hexatic membranes,
Guitter E., Kardar M.
Europhys. Lett. 13 441-446 (1990)

t89/148 Stretching and buckling of polymerized membranes: a Monte Carlo study,
Guitter E., Leibler S., Maggs A.C., David F.
J. Physique 51 1055-1060 (1989)

t89/002 Thermodynamical behavior of polymerized membranes,
Guitter E., David F., Leibler S., Peliti L.
J. Physique 50 1787-1819 (1989)

t88/133 Crumpling and buckling transitions in polymerized membranes,
Guitter E., David F., Leibler S., Peliti L.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 61 2949-2952 (1988)

t87/171 Crumpling transition in elastic membranes: renormalization group treatment,
David F., Guitter E.
Europhys. Lett. 5 709-713 (1988)

t87/105 Rigid random surfaces at large d,
David F., Guitter E.
Nucl. Phys. B 295 332-62 (1988)

t87/102 Critical properties of fluid membranes with hexatic order,
David F., Guitter E., Peliti L.
J. Physique 48 2059-2066 (1987)

t86/189 Instabilities in membrane models,
David F., Guitter E.
Europhys. Lett. 3 1169-1174 (2007)

2 dans la catégorie Proceedings

t96/076 Meanders,
Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
The Mathematical Beauty of Physics. The Mathematical Beauty of Physics. Dedicated to the memory of Claude Itzykson

t96/069 Discrete folding,
Bowick M.J., Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
arXiv:cond-mat/9610215 in: Proceedings of the 4th Chia Meeting on Condensed Matter and : Proceedings of the 4th Chia Meeting on Condensed Matter and in: Proceedings of the 4th Chia Meeting on Condensed Matter and High Energy Physics

0 dans la catégorie Ouvrages

3 dans la catégorie Cours

t05/170 Méthodes combinatoires pour l'énumération des graphes planaires,
Guitter E.

t97/126 Méthodes de théorie des champs pour les polymčres et les membranes polymérisées,
Guitter E.

t95/128 Folding, meanders and arches,
Di Francesco P., Golinelli O., Guitter E.
NATO ASI Series B 362 87-120 (1997)

2 dans la catégorie These

t04/005 Physique statistique de modčles contraints sur réseaux réguliers et aléatoires : des pliages aux méandres,
Guitter E.

t89/115 Physique statistique et propriétés critiques des membranes,
Guitter E.

0 dans la catégorie Seminaire

2 dans la catégorie Misc

t04/074 Distance statistics in planar graphs,
Guitter E.

t03/283 Census of planar maps: From the one-matrix model solution to a combinatorial proof,
Guitter E.


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