Publication : t96/079

Large-scale structure formation in the quasi-linear regime

Bernardeau F. (CEA, DSM, SPhT (Service de Physique Théorique), F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE)
The understanding of the large-scale structure formation requires the resolution of coupled nonlinear equations describing the cosmic density and velocity fields. This is a complicated problem that, for the last decade, has been essentially addressed with N-body simulations. There is however a regime, the so-called quasi-linear regime, for which the relative density fluctuations are on average below unity. It is then possible to apply Perturbation Theory techniques where the perturbation expansions are made with respect to the initial fluctuations. I review here the major results that have been obtained in this regime.
Année de publication : 1996
Conférence - : in: Comptes rendus des XXXIes rencontres de Moriond Matičre Noire et Cosmologie, Mesures Quantiques, Gravitation Expérimentale ; Les Arcs, France ; 1996-01-20 / 1996-01-27
Langue : Anglais

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