Publication : t01/173

New trends in turbulence

This Summer School had several objectives. The first one was to present the spectacular progresses made these last ten years in the domain of turbulence coherent-vortex self-organization, thanks in particular to new large-eddy simulation methods. We intended also to describe the modern tools developed for the analysis of fluid turbulence in three and two dimensions: normal and anomalous scaling laws, turbulent mixing and Lagrangian dynamics, maximum-entropy states, wavelet techniques, nonlinear amplitude equations. From a more practical viewpoint, one studied the influence on turbulence of boundaries, compressibility, curvature and rotation, helicity, magnetic fields. Finally, various applications of turbulence modelling and control to certain industrial or environmental situations have been considered. Specialized seminars by leading European specialists were also given, on fundamental or more industrial topics related to the programme. It was intended mainly for PhD students and young researchers in fluid mechanics, condensed-matter physics, applied mathematics and environmental sciences. The participation of students from Eastern Europe was strongly encouraged. A computing centre connected to the international network was also set up, for practical works on simulation, modelling or signal processing.
Année de publication : 2001
Livre : New trends in turbulence
Maison d'édition : Springer-Verlag, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 2001
Ecole - Organisateur : Les Houches - Ecole d'Eté de Physique Théorique, Session LXXIV ; Les Houches, France ; 2000-07-31 / 2000-09-01
Langue : Anglais
Editeurs : Lesieur M., Yaglom A., David F.


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