Publication : t18/107

The periodic Schur process and free fermions at finite temperature

Betea D. (Institute for Applied Mathematics, Universität Bonn, D-53315 Bonn)
Bouttier J. (CEA, IPhT (Institut de Physique Théorique), F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
We revisit the periodic Schur process introduced by Borodin in 2007. Our contribution is threefold. First, we provide a new simpler derivation of its correlation functions via the free fermion formalism. In particular, we shall see that the process becomes determinantal by passing to the grand canonical ensemble, which gives a physical explanation to Borodin's "shift-mixing" trick. Second, we consider the edge scaling limit in the simplest nontrivial case, corresponding to a deformation of the poissonized Plancherel measure on partitions. We show that the edge behavior is described, in a certain crossover regime different from that for the bulk, by the universal finite-temperature Airy kernel, which was previously encountered by Johansson and Le Doussal et al. in other models, and whose extreme value statistics interpolates between the Tracy-Widom GUE and the Gumbel distributions. We also define and prove convergence for a stationary extension of our model. Finally, we compute the correlation functions for a variant of the periodic Schur process involving strict partitions, Schur's P and Q functions, and neutral fermions.
Année de publication : 2019
Revue : Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 22 (2019)
DOI : 10.1007/s11040-018-9299-8
Preprint : arXiv:1807.09022
Lien :
Keywords : Schur process, Free fermions, Determinantal point processes, Integrable probability, Random integer partitions
Langue : Anglais

Fichier(s) à télécharger :
  • cylindric_schur2.pdf


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