The String-Theory Group at the IPhT uses string theory to study gravity at its extremes: black holes and cosmology. This research is also deeply linked with a wide-ranging research program in holographic field theory. While string theory is expected to become manifest at such extreme “boundaries” of our universe, the string-theory group is also developing new methods, like generalized geometry and topological techniques, to explore how low-energy physics and small, positive cosmological constants can emerge from a description of the universe based in string theory.
Much of this research has a healthy symbiosis with other activities at the IPhT. In particular, conformal field theory, integrable systems, large-N matrix models, QCD amplitudes, gravitational waves, cosmology, and particle physics beyond Standard Model provide an invaluable background that informs and inspires the research into string theory.

Much of this research has a healthy symbiosis with other activities at the IPhT. In particular, other aspects of conformal field theories and bootstrap, integrable systems, gravitational waves, cosmology, and particle physics beyond Standard Model provide an invaluable background that informs and inspires the research into string theory.
The group is part of the string theory in greater Paris community.
Permanent researchers
- Iosif Bena
- Antoine Bourget
- Mariana Graña
- Monica Guica (en détachement)
- Ruben Minasian
- Eric Perlmutter
- Pierre Vanhove
- Nick Warner
Visiteur longue durée:
- Mahmud Azam
We maintain regular contacts with other members of the Mathematical Physics group (François David, Bertrand Eynard, Ivan Kostov, Dalimil Mazac, Sylvain Ribault, Didina Serban), with the scattering amplitudes group (Gregory Korchemsky, David Kosower, Matthiew von Hippel) and with the Physics Beyond the Standard Model Group.
Post docs
- Bin Guo email publications
- Yiannis Tsiares email publications
- Jakub Vosmera email publications
- Xiang Zhao email publications
PHD Students
- Raphael Dulac email publications
- Angele Lochet email publications
- Michael Milam email publications
- Miguel Morros email publications
- Diego Peruggini email publications
- DImitrios Toulikas email publications
Long staying visitor:
- Mahmud Azam
The string theory seminars take place in the Salle Claude Itzykson Bât 774 Orme des Merisiers on Wednesdays at 14:15
Program of the upcoming seminars
We are also involved in the organization of theString seminars of the string theory in greater Paris community held at Institut Henri Poincare in Paris
- 2024: Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Gravity, Institut Pascal, Saclay
- 2024: Geometry and Symmetries of SCFTs, Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Germany.
- 2023: Deconstructing the string ladscape, IPhT, CEA/Saclay
- 2023: Black-Hole Microstructure V, IPhT, CEA-Saclay
- 2023: Symplectic Singularities and Supersymmetric QFT, LAMFA, Amiens.
- 2023: Bootstrapping Quantum Gravity, KITP, Santa Barbara
- 2023: The Geometry, Algebra, and Physics of Higgs Bundles, Banff International Research Station (UBC Okanagan), Canada
- 2022: 5d N=1 SCFTs and Gauge Theories on Brane Webs, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook
- 2022: 26th Itzykson Meeting: Black-Hole Microstructure IV, IPhT, CEA-Saclay
- 2022: Planck 2022, Paris
- 2022: Geometry and swampland, Banff (online)
- 2021: Black-Hole Microstructure III, CEA-Saclay (online)
- 2021: Bootstrapping String Theory, Aspen Center for Physics
- 2020: Black-Hole Microstructure II, CEA-Saclay (online)
- 2020: Black-Hole Microstructure, CEA-Saclay (online)
- 2019: de Sitter constructions in string theory, IPhT, CEA-Saclay
Jobs opportunities
Postdoctoral positions are available every year at fall. Visit this page or contact any permanent member to find out more.
Each member of the group can be contacted via email
The full postal adress of IPhT is: Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA/Saclay, Bat 774 Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France.
Here are directions to the IPhT.