Colloquium Rencontres de l'IPhT in Autrans (Vercors) from 23 to 25 May.  


The next colloquium Rencontres de l'IPhT conference will be held in Autrans (Vercors) from 23 to 25 May. It will consist of conferences and lectures concerning both the major fields of research in theoretical physics and supporting activities.

The main themes of physics will be:
- Mathematical physics: group A
- Cosmology, particles and nuclei: group B
- Statistical physics - condensed matter: group C

Main goals:
- To share knowledge on scientific topics and strengthening cohesion within the Institute.
- To bring together all of the Institute's collaborators in order to discuss common subjects and activities and to strengthen interactions between members of the different teams, including support.
- To unite the teams around a common project.

See you soon in Autrans!


E. De-laborderie, 2022-05-12 10:02:00


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