Orazio Scarlatella lauréat du prix de thèse Physique des Ondes et de la Matière (PhOM) 2020   



Orazio Scarlatella, former doctoral student at IPhT, is the winner of the 2020 PhD prize "Physics of Waves and Matter" of the Physics Graduate School of the University of Paris-Saclay, in the speciality "Theoretical Physics, Numerics and Modelling".

Orazio Scarlatella's thesis work focuses on the dynamics of dissipative quantum many-body systems. These problems are of great richness and complexity because they combine the effects of interactions, quantum fluctuations, and out-of-equilibrium physics. The work of O. Sacarlatella consisted of several new conceptual and methodological developments in this field at the interface between correlated materials and quantum optics, with applications to systems such as arrays of superconducting cavities or ultra cold atoms trapped in optical arrays.

One of the main results of his thesis is the development of the dynamical mean field theory (which allows to describe in a non-perturbative way the properties of certain strongly correlated materials) to open systems which dynamics are described by a Lindblad equation for the density matrix. It is a deep and very original work with a big impact in this rapidly expanding field, and where there are still relatively few powerful theoretical methods.

This prize will be awarded during the annual PhOM day which will be held online on Friday, December 4, 2020 from 2 p.m.

E. De-laborderie, 2020-11-26 11:07:00


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