Olivier Gingras has joined the IPhT in early 2025 on a permanent joint position at the IPhT and the QCC, Flatiron, New York. Part of the challenge of this position will be to facilitate interactions and collaborations between the two institutes on the theme of the quantum N-body problem.

Olivier did his PhD in Sherbrooke and Montreal, Canada, on the N-body quantum problem, and acquired expertise in DFT (Density Functional Theory), DMFT (Dynamical Mean Field Theory) and the physics of superconducting gap symmetry in Strontium Ruthenate compounds. Since 2022, he has been a post-doc at CCQ, during which he has been able to broaden his numerical expertise without forgetting interactions with experimentalists.
With his openness to a wide range of numerical expertise and his sensitivity to the importance of experimental studies in quantum materials research, Olivier will be a tremendous asset to numerical and phenomenological physics on the Saclay plateau, and will be essential in federating and maintaining collaboration between DRF and CCQ. Welcome to the IPhT Olivier, for a brilliant career ahead!