Home Page of François David

Research Interests
François DAVID

Emeritus Senior Researcher (Directeur de Recherche Émérite) at CNRS

01 69 08 81 11
from abroad: (00) 33 1 69 08 81 11
01 69 08 81 20
from abroad: (00) 33 1 69 08 81 20

Research Interests:

My scientific works aim mainly at the the interface between Mathematical Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics (Statistical Field Theory).

Current Research Interests:

  • Growth and fragmentation processes of geometrical objects
  • Random 2D geometries
  • Open quantum systems and decoherence
  • Comparative analysis of quantum formalisms...

Older Research Interests:

Perturbative and non-perturbative Quantum Field Theory:

  • Renormalisation Theory
  • Infrared Divergences
  • Non-perturbative Effects: Instantons, IR and UV Renormalon

Plasma Physics (early '80).

Quantum Gravity and String Theory:

  • 2D Quantum Gravity, Conformal Theories and Random Lattice Models
  • "Non-critical Strings" and Random Matrices
  • Renormalisation Group and Correlation Functions in Random Matrix Models
  • Random matrix theory

Statistical Mechanics of Surfaces, Membranes and Biological Objects:

  • Phases and Transitions in Films and Membranes, Interactions between Membranes
  • Renormalisation Theory for Polymerised Membranes
  • Growth process and trees
  • Random RNA

I also worked in Plasma Physics (early '80).



Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) (1974-1978)

Agrégation de Physique, option Physique (1978)

Attaché de Recherche at CNRS (Service de Physique Théorique de Saclay) (1980)

Thèse d'Etat "Problèmes Infra-Rouges en Théorie Perturbative des Champs" (1982)

Médaille de Bronze of  CNRS (1983)

Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (USA) (1983-1984)

Directeur de Recherche at CNRS (1989)

Member of the Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (section de Physique Théorique) (from 1987 to 1995).

Scientific Editor of Journal de Physique/EPJ (1989 - 1996)

Director of the Ecole de Physique des Houches (1996 - 2001)

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institut Henri Poincaré - Paris (2002-2010)

Prix Ampère of the French Académie des Sciences (1994)

Head of IPhT (2017-2021)

Scientific Publications

request at service de documentation of the IPhT

Detailled Publication List (PDF)


Master and Graduate School Teachings

French & International Schools


European Network "Eurogrid" (2000->2004)

Computers at SPhT


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