Journée de rentrée IPhT
Mon, Oct. 17th 2022, 09:30-15:30
Amphi Claude Bloch, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers

Amphi Bloch + online for the morning session

9h30-10h45: self-presentation of the new PhD students and new post-docs ( ~ 3min each)

10h45-11h00: Break

11:00-11:45: Presentation by the architect (C. Elkaïm) of the pre-project for the renovation of the reading room and coffee room

11:45-12:30: Discussion on the project

12h30-14h00: Buffet lunch

14h00-15h30: General Assembly: some practical information followed by some free discussion (in person only)

Contact : Gregoire MISGUICH


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