Publication : t97/154

The effects of source clustering on weak lensing statistics

Bernardeau F. (CEA, DSM, SPhT (Service de Physique Théorique), F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE)
I investigate the effects of source clustering on the weak lensing statistics, more particularly on the statistical properties of the local convergence, $\kappa$, at large angular scales. The Perturbation Theory approach shows that the variance is not affected by source clustering at leading order but higher order moments such as the third and fourth moments can be. I compute the magnitude of these effects in case of an Einstein-de Sitter Universe for the angular top-hat filtered convergence. In these calculations the so-called Broadhurst and multiple lens coupling effects are neglected. The source clustering effect is found to be particularly important when the redshift distribution is broad enough so that remote background sources can be significantly lensed by closer concentrations of galaxy sources. The source clustering effects are shown to remain negligible, for both the skewness and the kurtosis, when the dispersion of the redshift of the sources is less than about 0.15.
Année de publication : 1998
Revue : Astron. Astrophys. 338 375-382 (1998)
Keywords : Cosmology: Dark Matter, Large-Scale, Structures, Gravitational Lensing
Langue : Anglais

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