The 12th Claude Itzykson Meeting

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Hotels : As the last two days of the conference will be held in ENS Paris, you may want to choose a hotel in Paris. We provide two lists of hotels we use for our visitors: Paris 1 and Paris 2. The prices are indicative and they should be updated. Here is a list of hotels near Saclay.


You may also use the agency ati-abotel to book your hotel. Once on their web site, click on Events on the menu of the left and search for the name of our conference. To log in, you need to type the name of the meeting (8 characters, lower case). If you need more hints, please contact the organizers.

If you succeeded, print the Hotel Booking Form, fill it and send it to the agency. The zone closest to ENS and RER B is Quartier Latin/Montparnasse.


Thursay June 21, 2007 is the day of the Fete de la musique. Everywhere in Paris there will be free concerts, some indoors, some in open air.


Office du tourisme de Paris


Information générale sur Paris


Prévisions météo



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