Gregoire Misguich - CV

Born on January 1973. Married, 3 children

Since 2001: Researcher at the Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT) of the CEA, Saclay. Permanent position.

Since Sept. 2020: Scientific deputy director of IPhT

2017-2020 : Part-time professor ("professeur associé à mi-temps", a.k.a. PAST) at the LPTM of the Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
Teaching at M2 and L2 level.

2014-2020 : Member of the PhOM departement (of the Paris-Saclay Univeristy) council.

2016-2019 : Ph. D. Advisor of Kemal Bidzhiev.

2014: Habilition thesis (HDR): "Entanglement and Shannon entropies in low-dimensional quantum systems"

2011-2013: Advisor of Thiago Penteado-Sabetta

2008-2011: Co-advisor (with Vincent Pasquier) of the Ph. D. thesis of Jean-Marie Stéphan.

2007-2010: co-advisor (with Claire Lhuillier) of the Ph. D. thesis of Laura Messio.

01/2009-08/2009 :"Congé parental d'éducation" (leave)

09/2004 - 09/2005: Advisor of Fabien Alet (post-doc at that time)

1999 - 2000: Post doc at the IPhT of the CEA, Saclay. Advisor: Thierry Jolicoeur.

1996 - 1999: PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics on Quantum Antiferromagnets. Advisor: Prof. Claire Lhuillier, at the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique des liquides (now LPTMC). Teaching Assistant in Physics with first year students in medecine (C.H.U. Broussais, Paris)

1995 - 1996: Master 2 in Physique Théorique, École Doctorale de la Région Parisienne (Paris)

1992 - 1995:Engeneer degree from the École Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France).Option: Theoritical Physics.


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