Reversible Cellular Automata and Statistical Mechanics
Tomaz Prosen
University of Ljubljana
Lundi 21/01/2019, 14:00-15:00
Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers

Derivation of macroscopic statistical laws, such as Fourier's, Ohm's or Fick's laws, from reversible microscopic equations of motion is one of the central fundamental problems of statistical physics.In recent years we have witnessed a remarkable progress in understanding the dynamics and nonequilibrium statistical physics of integrable systems. This encourages us to attempt to understand the aforementioned connection at least in specific classes of nontrivial integrable systems with strong interactions. \par In my talk I will introduce a family of reversible cellular automata, which model systems of interacting particles, and for which we can prove the existence of diffusion and exactly solve several interesting paradigms of statistical physics, e.g.: nonequilibrium steady states of the system between two stochastic reservoirs, the problem of relaxation to the nonequilibrium steady state, or even the problem of explicit time evolution of macroscopic states, for instance, the solution of inhomogeneous quench problems and the calculation of dynamical structure factor in highly entropic equilibrium states.

Contact : Marco SCHIRO


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