On the conformal structure of random planar maps
Nicolas Curien
LPMA, U. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
Lundi 16/12/2013, 11:00
Salle Claude Itzykson, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers
A (planar) triangulation is a graph embedded in the two-dimensional sphere such that all its faces are surrounded by three edges. Consider a random triangulation $T_n$ chosen uniformly over all triangulations of the sphere having $n$ faces. The metric structure of $T_{n}$ endowed with the graph distance has been studied in depth during recent years. In particular, Le Gall and Miermont recently proved that the metric space obtained from $T_{n}$ by re-scaling all distances by $n^{-1/4}$ converges towards a random compact metric space called ``the Brownian map''. par In this talk, we will focus on another aspect of random triangulations. Indeed, $T_{n}$ can naturally be considered as a random Riemann surface and one can study its ``conformal structure'' which is conjectured to be strongly linked to the Gaussian free field. I will present a path to study the conformal structure of random planar maps based on their Markovian exploration by an independent SLE$_{6}$ process.
Contact : Francois DAVID


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