Publication : t02/243

Metastable states in glassy systems

Biroli G. (Rutgers University, New Brunswick/Piscataway Campus, 136 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8019, USA)
Truly stable metastable states are an artifact of the mean-field approximation or the zero temperature limit. If such appealing concepts in glass theory as configurational entropy are to have a meaning beyond these approximations, one needs to cast them in a form involving states with finite lifetimes. Starting from elementary examples and using results of Gaveau and Schulman, we propose a simple expression for the configurational entropy and revisit the question of taking flat averages over metastable states. The construction is applicable to finite dimensional systems, and we explicitly show that for simple mean-field glass models it recovers, justifies and generalizes the known results. The calculation emphasises the appearance of new dynamical order parameters.
Année de publication : 2002
Publication extérieure au service
Conférence - : 2002 March Meeting of the American Physical Society ; Indianapolis, Indana, USA ; 2002-03-18 / 2002-03-22
Numéro Exterieur
Langue : Anglais


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